Chapter 4 Download


Law of Ambition Softback

The Hell Of The March

"Knowing you've got to make it through mile 25 when you're not sure how you're going to take the next step was the real hell of the march."

🐺 Learn a powerful strategy to deal with inescapable, intense pain.

🐺 Train yourself to turn your pain and hurt into fuel and keep moving forward instead of quitting when things get hard.

🐺 Use your pain as a compass to direct you towards the right path.

Luis Garcia CEO & Founder of Law of Ambition

About Luis

Self-made entrepreneur and author of two books, Luis Garcia, created a 7 figure media company, Red Wolf Entertainment, whilst deployed in Afghanistan. Since then, he’s become a much-sought-after consultant and strategist for Fortune 500 companies, personal and celebrity clients to help them amplify their brands on social media.

Through his personal brand, Law of Ambition, Luis has mentored over 200 people in entrepreneurship, leadership, mindset and discipline. His newest venture and passion project, Milan Candles, has been founded with the sole purpose of rescuing, rehabilitating, and supporting survivors of sex trafficking through the non profit “Milan’s Mission”.

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